Our navigation guides

The need to have adequate tools for safe and informed surfing even in inland waters

The complexity of the territory in the lagoon and inland waters in general require suitable cartographic support to cruise. Unfortunately, it is not easy to have up-to-date and easy-to-read resources, especially since the official cartography is oriented mainly towards the ports and the sea areas.

The official nautical charts also appear to the eyes of the most inexperienced as a tangle of lines and numbers that are difficult to read, unwieldy and lacking in all the information that the nautical tourist and the pleasure boater are looking for in order to plan their itinerary and their vacation.

La Rendez vous Fantasia, sentendosi in dovere di offrire uno strumento utile ai propri Clienti ha ideato e realizzato una collana di quatto carte guida che coprono le aree navigabili del nord-est Italia. Valide per i debuttanti ma anche per i più esperti, le carte “Navigar più facile: informati e sicuri” sono indispensabili per programmare nei minimi particolari un itinerario nautico-turistico lungo le vie d’acqua del Veneto, del Friuli Venezia Giulia, della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna.

Rendez vous Fantasia, feeling its customers needs, has designed and created a series of four watreways guides covering the navigable areas of north-east Italy. Valid for novices but also for the more experienced, the “Navigar più facile: informati e sicuri” guides are indispensable for planning in detail a nautical-tourist itinerary along the waterways of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna.

With an almost cartoon-like design, navigable canals, dry areas, moorings, movable bridges and locks they easily catch the eye. The main tourist information is also indicated: restaurants, cycle paths, beaches, monuments, etc.

A small description in four languages ​​tells the places, reporting historical and cultural news on the territories to be discovered.
The accordion format is also new, easy to consult even when sailing … plasticized to withstand rain and wind.

The “Navigar più facile” series:

Laguna Veneta
The Venetian Lagoon: from Chioggia to Venice, Jesolo and Treviso to discover the unique beauties of the lagoon and the Sile river;

Il Naviglio del Brenta
The Brenta Canal: from Venice to Padua. For those who want to test themselves with locks and movable bridges. The effort will be rewarded along the way, with the majesty of the splendid Venetian villas;

Il Po, l’idrovia ferrarese e i Canali per Mantova
The Po, the Ferrarese waterway and the canals to Mantua: the Po River, the Ferrarese Waterway. An itinerary surrounded by greenery, suitable for lovers of unspoiled nature.

La litoranea veneta
The Venetian Coast: from Jesolo to Grado. Through an ancient waterway dug by the Serenissima, to discover a unique river and lagoon habitat in the world

Where to buy them?

Navigar più facile” guides can be bought directly at our base on the check-in day. For those wishing to plan their trip on time, you can purchase them at any time. Contact us by email or visit our Ebay store to receive them comfortably at home


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