Riserva Naturale della Valle Canal Novo

Canal Novo Valley Nature Reserve

If your starting point is Marano Lagunare or if you choose the Litoranea Veneta as your itinerary, you cannot miss a visit to the Canal Novo Valley Nature Reserve! In front of the reserve there is a pier where you can find some moorings where you can stop for a couple of hours, it is also only about 15 minutes on foot from the center of Marano Lagunare.

The reserve covers a total area of 121 hectares, consisting of a former fishing valley, from which it takes its name, a lagoon area of a few hectares called “Corniolo” and some arable land. It is a complex natural ecosystem, including wetlands and waters with various degrees of salinity.

Inside the Reserve, not far from the town of Marano, it has been realized, on the model of the Anglo-Saxon Wetlands Centres, the lagoon visit center. It is equipped with some buildings built maintaining the traditional typology of the local “casoni” and it is equipped with modern structures and didactic instruments, in order to offer new opportunities to know more closely the enchanting lagoon environment.
In addition to huts and artifacts for the observation of birds and animals and the study of the lagoon environment, in the area has been recently built the aquarium, a simple proposal to “immerse” in the lagoon and discover the different organisms that inhabit this extraordinary environment.

Most of the tanks are set in a scenography that ideally reproduces a section of the most important lagoon habitats: the river mouth, the sandbank, the “paluo”, the canals, the dunes.


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